2025 Stewardship Campaign
Every Sunday we bear witness to the extraordinary in the midst of the ordinary: more than 200 distinct people uniting around God’s table in our historic sanctuary. Our congregation spans generations, backgrounds, and ideologies. All are welcome, united by God’s grace through worship and service since 1794.
As we launch our annual stewardship campaign during this season of national transition, we are reminded that our humble church has been here as long as the Capitol building itself, and generations have come together here to pray for our nation and one another. In today’s divisive world, Christ Church is an utterly unique place where we can set aside our differences to unite around God’s table, lean into the spiritual values we share, and become better versions of ourselves.
This special place gives so much to our families. At the center of our hectic city, this place of calm not only strengthens us on our spiritual journeys, but provides countless ways to model fellowship, service, and personal growth for our children. These gifts are not self-sustaining, however. We have to invest in our community so it can continue to serve us while growing to serve others.
The Gospel of Luke reminds us that, to whom much has been given, much is required. As we further our mission to draw more people closer to God, our church has grown, and thus the responsibility to meet parishioners where they are has also increased. To facilitate programming, maintain our historic church buildings, and support our terrific clergy and staff, we all have a responsibility to help meet the financial needs of our parish.
Our 2025 stewardship goals are $635,000 committed, and 170 households pledging. While there will be a program-specific fundraiser in the Spring, this stewardship campaign is the primary financial request you will receive in the coming year. Will you join us in making your pledge today? Because our expenses continue to grow as our community does, we also humbly ask you to consider increasing your pledge to help cover those who cannot do the same. We have included suggested increases on the back of this letter.
Now is a great time to reflect upon what Christ Church means to you, the impact it has on your spiritual journey, and how fortunate we are to be a part of such a vibrant and welcoming community. Please join our investment by submitting your pledge by Sunday, October 27.
With deep appreciation,
Charles Cooper & Stuart Hall
Stewardship Co-Chairs and Members of the Vestry
number of families
who left our region
this year
pledges lost from
departing families
average monthly
church expenses
As we look toward the growth needed to sustain our bursting church, would you consider increasing your investment in our mission for 2025?
This chart is a spectrum of actual monthly pledges to Christ Church by our generous parishioners, and is meant to make it easier to increase your pledge if you are able to do so. We are grateful for the many ways each of you support our community, and appreciate whatever you feel called to pledge this year.
FAQ’s about pledging & giving
Why does the church need money? Isn't it funded by the national church?
Why pledge? Can't I just put money in the plate on Sunday?
How do I pledge?
How much should I pledge?
What is the best way to give to fulfill my pledge?
Does the church budgeting process really rely on my pledge?
How does the church spend its money?
That’s a great question. Next year’s budget is released at the start of the year based on stewardship season outcome and end-of-year numbers. Our finance committee and Vestry oversee our spending, and we as a church strive to be good stewards of the resources we’ve been given. We offer a full report on the previous year’s finances at our annual meeting, and in our annual reports, in February of each year.