Support Us

Christ Church is entirely reliant on contributions from its congregation in order to support the important work we do here. Without you and your generosity, we would be unable to fulfill our mission to invite one another into a deeper relationship with God through our worship, programming, education, and vibrant sense of community.

Thank you for supporting us in whatever way makes the most sense to you.

Ways to Give

Give Online

Member Giving

Guest Donation

Click here for instructions on how to make a one-time or recurring gift

By Check

Send a check payable to: Christ Church 620 G Street SE Washington, DC 20003, or drop a check in the offering plate on Sunday.

Make a Donor Advised Fund (DAF) Gift

Checks from your donor-advised fund can be mailed directly to: Christ Church 620 G Street SE Washington, DC 20003.

What is a DAF?

A DAF is similar to a charitable investment account and is directed by you for the purpose of supporting nonprofit organizations that you care about. When donating to a DAF you are generally eligible to take an immediate tax deduction, and those funds – invested for tax-free growth – can be directed to nonprofits at any time.

Make a Gift of Securities

Let us know about your gift of securities. To receive DTC instructions (securities and mutual fund gifts only), please reach out directly.

Qualified Charitable Distribution

You may direct an otherwise taxable distribution from your IRA (age 70½ or over), paid directly from your IRA to Christ Church 620 G Street SE Washington, DC 20003

Legacy Giving

Christ Church would be honored by your decision to include us in your legacy planning. In most cases, you can easily designate Christ Church as a beneficiary in your will, which outlines the use and distribution of your assets after your death. You may also list Christ Church as recipient of a percentage share of your total assets, or as a direct beneficiary of specific assets, such as a life insurance policy, IRA, qualified retirement plan, or revocable and irrevocable trusts.

Legacy gifts are a deeply impactful way to ensure the health and longevity of our beloved community. If you make such a decision, please be sure to let us know, so we can recognize your generosity!

We have exciting plans in the works for the coming year!
Learn more about our 2025 Stewardship Campaign at the button below.


Why does the church need money? Isn't it funded by the national church?

No! In fact, each individual parish donates a percentage of its total income back to the Episcopal Diocese of Washington to fund broader initiatives and support less-fortunate churches in our diocese. Christ Church exists solely from the support of its congregation – your donation means everything!

How does the church spend its money?

That’s a great question. The budget is released at the start of the year based on stewardship season outcome and end-of-year numbers. Our Vestry and finance committee oversee our spending, and as a church, we strive to be good stewards of the resources we’ve been given. We offer a full report on the previous year’s finances at our annual meeting, and in our annual reports, in February of each year.

Why pledge? Can't I just put money in the plate on Sunday?

A pledge is simply an estimate of anticipated giving in the coming year. From a spiritual perspective, pledging asks us to reflect and intentionally align our financial resources in service to God’s work in the world. On the practical side, pledging helps the church to budget responsibly.

Does the church budgeting process really rely on my pledge?

Yes. Pledges are an intended commitment to give a certain amount over the course of the year, and these commitments enable the church to devise an annual budget with some level of certainty. Our church family is growing, and an increased budget would allow us to expand programming, increase outreach offerings, and create more opportunities for fellowship among members.

How do I pledge?

There are several ways to pledge. The easiest way is to do so online here, after which you can also set up a recurring gift by clicking the checkbox under “Before you go…” on the confirmation screen. If you need any help with online pledging or giving, feel free to reach out to the parish administrator. You may also send in a pledge card or drop it in the offering plate on Sunday.

How much should I pledge?

The amount you give should be prayerfully considered and based on your financial realities. Please remember that a pledge is really an estimate of giving – if life circumstances change, you can change your pledge at any time. And truly, no pledge or gift is too small to make an impact! Here is a bit more information that may help you choose your level of commitment for 2025.

Can I set up recurring gifts? Will a recurring gift be updated with my new pledge amount?

Many members have found recurring giving to be the easiest way to fulfill a pledge. More information about setting that up can be found here. When you submit your pledge for the coming year, you will also need to update or make a new recurring gift in the amount that fulfills your pledge commitment – the system will not automatically charge a new monthly donation based on your pledge total.